Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chuck E Cheese and Fun Times

For Skyler's birthday on the 13th we got to go to Chuck E Cheese with the family.  It was a lot of fun!  We were trying to win a ton of tickets for the birthday boy so we were runnin around playin all the games :)  Kayson had a lot of fun, we thought he would be so scared to sit next to Chucke in the picture car but he actually loved it.  He was just as excited running around with everyone playing all the games.  We also went to the Kangaroo Zoo by our house that day which we thought was so fun but not so much Kayson..  He was terrified of all the stuff but like the trooper he is (i.e. mom making him) he went down the big slides..  The next day we were able to welcome our newest addition Brodie into our home.  Kayson absolutely loves having him live with us and wants to follow him everywhere and do what he does.  Brodie also loves playing with Kayson, it's cute to see them playing together.

Here is Kayson riding in the Chucke car and the dog car.
He found a game that he was really good at, he could push a button and make the frog tongue knock over the bugs. 
Here is Kayson with aunt Crystal playing air hockey. 
Kayson and mom bein cool.. he really didnt like this slide.
kayson and mommy going down the big slide.  Kayson was latched onto me so tight...Kayson also did really well at the batting cage type thing.
Ahhh Kayson and mom favorite!
Me and Brodie makin weird faces..
Mom and Kayson..again..
AHHH cute brothers..


Last weekend we headed up to Todd's family cabin in Tabiona.  We went up friday night and then saturday we helped clean up the yard and played in the river.  kayson really loved playing in the river with the boys.  His cousin Justus came up with the idea of building a bridge across to the other side of the river, so that's exactly what the boys did.  It was a lot of fun getting back up there and enjoying time with family. 

Kayson playin in the river..  He LOVED throwing rocks and sticks in there.  He got so excited to see the water splash!
Brodie with a rock for a hat.
Kayson walking with Grandma and Grandpa after playing by the river.  He sure loves his Grandma and Grandpa!
Justus and Zeke sharing their caprison's with Kayson.  He saw they had one and wanted one of his own, luckily his cousins are nice and like to share :)
We love going to the cabin and are grateful for family and the fun times spent up there!