Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Honeymoon in Vegas!!

We finally got a new computer!! So now we can actually manage our blog better and add pictures. I thought I would start out with some fun pictures of our Honeymoon to Vegas!! It was so much fun we had a blast!

On top of the Stratisphere! We rode the roller coaster and the one that shoots you straight up!

We were so exhausted after walking the entire strip!

Aaahh slimmy!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's A BOY!!!!

Todd and I went to the Hospital today for our ultrasound and found out we are having a BOY! We are so excited! He looks healthy and weighs about one pound now! We also found out that we are two weeks ahead of what we thought we were. Our new due date is February 24, 2009! Which makes me 22 weeks instead of 20 which we thought we were! That was really exciting to hear! I loved being able to see him! They checked and measured everything! He had his little arms infront of his face so we didn't get too good of a look at his face but did see it for a second! He is a cutie if I do say so myself! He has long fingers and was kicking and squirming alot! His arms were covering his heart so we get to go back on November 14th to take a second look (she did say his heart looked very good just wanted to look more clearly around it since there were shadows from his arms.) It did kind of take us by surprise that hes a boy, Todd and I both thought for sure he would be a girl haha. I dont know how to put pictures on yet so they will have to come in a little bit, so sorry!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Last night Todd and I were able to feel the baby kicking from the outside! It was the most amazing feeling ever! I am so glad Todd was able to feel what I have been feeling for the past few weeks! I can not wait to meet this little person squirmin around in there! We are so excited we find out what it is in exactly one week from today!